Divorce does not have to be an emotional, expensive, and conflict-filled process. There are options to make the process more efficient, cooperative, collaborative, and less expensive than traditional litigation. Joel avoids family law litigation (going to trial) because it can destroy people and especially children.
Questions and details can seem overwhelming: How do we divide all this debt and student loans? How are we going to do overnights with our children? How much is child support? What about medical insurance? Will I owe spousal support or alimony? What happens to our family pets? What about the division of my great aunt's desk? As a leading Central Oregon family law mediator and divorce lawyer, Joel helps people with the following:
We like to be the voice of reason and encouragement to allow people to end their relationship on a positive note and move forward with their lives. With over 30 years of experience doing family law, Joel offers options for families and individuals with a range of services from the basic divorce, legal separation, helping unmarried parents with custody, child support and parenting issues, mediation and collaborative law.
Joel offers a 50 minute consultation for $200.00 to explore the different options of your personal situation. You should contact the office to set up the consultation so you have an understanding of what legal decisions must be made. Joel welcomes both parties to the initial consultation if appropriate. Joint initial meetings are educational for both parties instead of individual advocacy.
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